Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 9th, 2010

Sorry, haven't posted in a couple of days, not that I have any readers or anything... Hm, lets see. Today was a pretty big landmark for me. I used, for the first time ever, my check card, to put money into my checking account. It was pretty historical.

Tonight I watched District 9. It was pretty good... not really my kind of film but I liked it. Right now I'm watching Chris Rock on SNL. He's so hilarious. Racist, but funny. Only he can pull it off.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not supportive of racism, but in small doses it can be quite hilarious.

Okay i have nothing to say. Good bye.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 6th, 2010

Today was another really good day! Things seem to be lining up for old Liz Lemon, as it were. More laughing, more smiling... and more studying :/ I can't wait to be DONE with chemistry. That is, provided that I don't fail the final (and thusly the class). I'm trying to be optimistic. :P

I'm going to start keeping a composition notebook. Since I can't exactly post personal stuff on here, I'm going to need an outlet for all of the teen drama I feel in my life. I don't know why a composition notebook. I guess I just like the classicness of the look (is classicness a word? I never found out...)

Think about it, tons of people have all of these fancy binders and all these new-fangled spiral notebooks with colors and trippy 3-d effects. Why not re-live the old days and use composition? Yeah. It's gonna be a thing, just you wait.

Speaking of re-living the old days, I read the coolest thing about how Pepsi (and Mt. Dew) are releasing a limited-edition soda! (Well technically it has been out since December, but I just found out about it today) Instead of high fructose corn syrup they are using real sugar, to "remake that classic taste" or something to that effect.

I think that's pretty cool. And smart they aren't making it a legit thing (like keeping it in stores too long) because America is obese enough. But odds are there will be such a high demand for this sugary treat that Pepsi sees the chance to make tons of money and sells it full time.

It's disappointing and sad how money-hungry people have gotten. The hippie in me just wants to be like "Dude man, let's just go fly some kites..."

But the realist in me sees the truth of the matter, with the way things are looking for the American economy, if I were out in the job-hunting streets I'd be eager to make a few million more as well.

Well, those are all of my random thoughts for today, I hope you enjoyed reading! ^_^

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5th, 2010

Welcome to my blog. On this website I will post interesting things that happened to me during the day, without revealing too much information online. In truth, most of the stuff I post will probably be super boring.

Today was good. Actually, today was really good. I haven't had a good day in a while, so this was a refreshing change of pace. I laughed and smiled a lot, accomplished more than I usually do on any given Tuesday.

Weirdly enough, I think the difference in my mood today was largely due to the fact that I took an iron pill this morning with my bagel. It gave me the energy I don't usually have to focus in my studies and absorb more of my surroundings.

Yeah, today was a pretty sweet day :) I can't wait to see what the rest of the week holds.